About Migraine Genius 2018-05-26T20:44:00+00:00

Migraine Genius

Migraine Genius started in 2017 with a simple concept:  To help organize and promote information about migraine cause and effect, and identify remedies that will help you (and us) overcome pounding headaches, blinding auras, and all the other horrendous side effects that come along with the pain.  With knowledge comes power.  Knowledge is power.


Migraine Genius was envisioned by one of our founders during an especially bad round of cluster headaches in 2014 when the searing pain culminated in vision impairment and very jittery speech.  Since then other family members, friends, doctors and professionals who all experience migraines and cluster headaches in their various forms, have come forward to work on the project.

Data-Driven Solutions

We believe in the power of data.  Specifically, big data.  And we believe that big data can bring more knowledge.

We have a passion and vision to create a single repository of product information, reviews, software, diaries, triggers, remedies, and products that can empower you to reduce the power that migraine has over your life.

Finding information online, from your doctor, from your friends, to control your headaches and migraines can be complicated.  We think we can help.

The transformative power of the collective knowledge of all headache and migraine sufferers is immense.

Join us as we unite together to provide solutions to remove migraines and their pain … collectively, we’re all Migraine Genius.

Meet Our Team

The founders of Migraine Genius, Anthony Presley and Stephanie Presley, both suffer from “random” bouts of cluster headaches and migraines.

Stephanie Presley
Stephanie PresleyMigraine Conquerer
Stephanie works at a nationally known laboratory and is a microbiologist by trade. But you didn’t come here to learn about that. She’s battled severe migraines since the birth of the first child, nearly nineteen years ago. Since then, headache pain has come in a variety of forms – from searing headaches that Imitrex has a hard time stopping to daily throbbing pain.

Stephanie has all of the “normal” hormonal monthly headaches that are common in females migraine victims, combined with serious stress headaches. On days where the barometric pressure fluctuates, she just might be in some serious pain. More than twenty years ago, Stephanie was in a car accident which messed up her nervous system, and routinely gets a Stellate Ganglion Injection to treat her Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

Anthony Presley
Anthony PresleyCluster Headache Hero
Anthony first had a round of migraine years ago while living in Cairo, Egypt, and was down for three days while the lights and sounds of the city buzzed around him. Luckily, Anthony’s mom has had migraines for the better part of her life, and was able to help him understand the pain, and find coping mechanisms and start identifying triggers.

Caffeine, disrupted sleep schedules, dehydration, and weird neck positions can all cause massive pain. Which sucks, really, because in his professional career – Anthony has owned a variety of software and marketing companies, with a specialty in “big data” and data science. Those companies / industries mean lots of long nights, caffeine, weird sleep schedules, and airplane travel.

We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the design of this site, what it could be used for, and the fonts and colors someone may run across while in the middle of a migraine or cluster headache.  Reading white is often difficult (make sure you have a blue light filter on!), and even our logo uses muted tones.

Additionally, we do have to keep the lights on, and reviewing products can be expensive – so we are a member of the Amazon Services Associates Program.  In short, we may receive some money if you click on any of the products we talk about.